Application Cardio-Spirograph with built-in mobile device accelerometer detects vibrations of the human body, due to the work of the heart and respiration. Analyzes intervals of heart rate, respiratory phases and allows you to define:- heart rate,- assume the presence of ventricular extrasystol (VES),- assume the presence of supraventricular extrasystol (SVES),- assume the presence of atrial fibrillation.The application calculates the following indicators of breathing:- respiratory rate,- deep breathing,- ratio phases of inhalation and exhalation.Instruction.After touching the START button, after 5 seconds will automatically start research. Lie down horizontally and place on the navel mobile phone. Breathe normally.The first beep - the beginning of the second - the end of the study.
Note.Job applications depend on the performance of the mobile device, the sensitivity of the accelerometer sensor and processor power. Recommended operating system Android 4 and up.